Politics Come With the Office

Politics don't only make for strange bedfellows, they can make for uncomfortable work situations

So how can you be a good office politician? Here are four starting pointers:

1. Politics are about power. And there's no standard definition of power. You have to pinpoint the factors considered "powerful" within your organization. "Every company on the planet has its own way of determining or gauging how much power someone has," says Pardoe. "Sometimes the index is tangible, such as a unique benefit or perk; sometimes it is perceived, such as having a slightly more desirable office than a peer."

He provides these varied examples of how companies measure power:

  • The headcount index—how many people are reporting to one manager
  • Prime location in the office building, such as a corner office
  • Company-paid country club memberships
  • Company-sponsored trips and promotional meetings
  • Amount of budget control
  • High-profile project assignments
  • Individuals with the most profitable customers
  • Better benefits/executive perks
  • Most powerful computer hardware or system
  • Bonuses for performance
  • Individuals who receive a higher degree of acceptance by upper management for failures

2. Learn from the past. The unofficial history of your organization can be more important than information publicized in the annual report. "If you heard a story about Manager Bob who was allegedly demoted after an incident regarding a secretary and a sexual harassment allegation, this tells you that your company protects its upper management, even against charges that might normally result in dismissal," writes Pardoe. "Or it can indicate that Bob must have had some information in his possession that allowed him to survive such an incident. Checking out how your company has handled similar complaints can help you arrive at some strong conclusions."

3. Don't ignore (or believe everything you hear from) the grapevine. Today's youthful employees don't take to the grapevine as readily as older workers, says career coach Marilyn Moats Kennedy, because they don't plan to stay with the company for very long. Or, maybe they don’t participate because they see themselves as more independent thinkers, concludes Claire Raines, a consultant and co-author of the book Generations at Work.

Whatever the reason, employees should keep in mind that although the grapevine is an unofficial communication channel, it can be a rich source of company information. It’s wise to find out - and become friends with - those who nurture it. Often it's the secretary with 20-year tenure or the receptionist who is tapped into choice departmental information.

4. Start with your boss. Part of everyone's job is learning how to make the boss look good. Learn what the boss expects from your performance and then evaluate ways in which you can add more value to the team. If advancement within the organization is a priority for you, knowing the answers to these questions is important to becoming more politically savvy: Do you work in a department that is integral, i.e., adds profitability, to the organization? Can you measure, in numbers, the results of your work? Is your boss a team player? Does he or she have the power to make decisions that affect your goals? How is your boss perceived within the organization?
Centuries ago, Philosopher Plato knew the importance of managing the perils of politics. He advised: "Those who are too smart to engage in politics are punished by being governed by those who are dumber."

Reference: http://www.yoolk.my/Office/

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